So what is the best way to get the best result and therefore the best meal?
First you need boiling water.
If you are at home that's quite easy to achieve, but if you are on the go there are many options you can find at your outdoor store.
I personally use an ultralight titanium pot combine with pocket rocket from msr, as my personal need is for the lightest gear to carry.
Another good option would be a jetboil because it's super fast, uses less gas and quite good in windy situations, but a bit heavier.
The right amount of water
The right amount of water will give you the right taste, but when in doubt, it's alway better to put less that too much. If after the rehydration period you realise the texture is too compact, you can add water to adjust, but if you put too much water from the beginning, well, enjoy a nice soup !
Almost all pots and cups you find in the outdoor stores come with graduation. Use it to measure the right amount of water.
I work to soon be able to add a water line on my packaging to make it easier for you to get the right water level.
Stirring will help the water to go everywhere and rehydrate everything, be careful not to puncture the pouch though.
One thing you can do once you've poured the boiling water, stirred a first time and well closed the pouch, is to lay it on one side and turn it from time to time during the waiting period to ensure water goes everywhere.
Or you can stir half way through
Stir again right before eating
Waiting time
The waiting time is indicated on the packaging, if for some reason after that time it is still a bit crunchy, you can wait a bit longer.
Too keep you busy during that waiting time I have planned a sudoku for you
If you don't know how to do sudoku refer to the post on sudoku (coming soon )